Friday, July 08, 2005

Wild Couches of Palms

kuaptic is based out of Palms, California, a neighborhood in Los Angeles. Our location, allows us to observe a curious natural phenomenon which we realize is by no means isolated to our fine neighborhood -- the wild couch.

Instead of staying in their private lairs, these couches break free to roam the streets. They enjoy sitting out in the sun on lawns or pavement, consuming water from sprinklers into their sponge-like interiors. They accumulate paper cups, beer bottles and other debris. Scientists speculate that this could be an attempt to camouflage themselves from predators, though it is rarely a successful one.

Once they break free from their shadowy apartments, the lifespan of the couch is severely limited, though they sometimes persist, clinging to life for months at a time before they are brought down by their fierce enemy, the sanitation truck.
Do not approach the wild couch; among its natural defense mechanisms are mold, human/dog urine, as well as a general wetness, odor and broken springs. The wild couch is a fierce beast, one we should regard with dignity as it sails into that great living room in the sky.


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