Wednesday, August 24, 2005

If Wishes were Fishes

Sometimes you come across a blog that is so much better than yours, it makes you jealous (this happens less often than you might imagine.) To add insult to injury, this guy seems to have, like, actual (read: nonblogging) work. If we were mean, spiteful people...well, basically we would be huffy. But we're not -- we want to share this hilarious and heartwarming (or not) story with you.

For those of you too lazy too actually click away from this site to look at this hysterical story, we'll pull the inspriational quote for you, but you have to go there to read the funny bits.

"If you're gonna do it, do it. Don't creep right up close to it, think about doing it, and then back off just a bit and try to convince yourself you're still doing it. You're not. It's binary. You either have faith or you don't. You're either doing it, or you're not."


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