Monday, August 01, 2005

Odds and Ends

Just as Friday is partly spent planning the weekend, Monday is spent wrapping things up. Loading photos to online photo albums, cleaning up the home, going over the weekend post-mortem with friends and co-workers and crawling out from under the bed, figuring out where you are (and more importantly -- where are your underpants??) all have to be safely negotiated before returning to the productive nature of the work week.

Here's are a few things we're cleaning out of our crawlspaces today:
  • "Stealth was a big bombaramba! What a surprise. The entertainment dorks says that maybe Action is over. Perhaps they should say that ill-conceived Actions films with b-level celebrities and bad trailers don't do well."
  • New industry term surfaced. According to, "Jump the Couch" refers to the moment when someone does something so crazy you realize they're actually nuts. The term was invented when Tom Cruise jumped up on the couch on Oprah.
  • "I believe in evolution. After all, my feet have changed within my lifetime."
  • Wedding Crashers is going to be the new film all the guys in your office will quote ad naseum. ("Grow up, Count Chocula!")
  • Now that Atkins is out of the picture, we're going to wip up a whole meal of spaghetti and garlic bread with bagels and cereal on the side.
Tomorrow we'll be all serious again -- we promise!


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