Thursday, November 03, 2005

Doo Dah!

You thought that the wacky fun ended with Halloween -- but you were wrong! On the 20th day of November, they throw the 29th Annual Doo Dah Parade in Pasadena to benefit the Light Bringer Project, a non profit arts organization. It began as a spoof of the Rose Parade and has ballooned into a full fledged event of its own, including such diverse groups as the Briefcase Drill Team and the West Hollywood Cheerleaders. Just about anyone can be Queen and everyone who applies gets to be in the court.

The day's events begin with a $5.00 Pancake Breakfast, held at the Pasadena Senior Center (make some old person's day and show up in your weirdest G-rated gear!) Things wrap up with the afterparty at the Old Towne Pub.


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