Friday, June 02, 2006

Goat Sucker

There are many fictional creatures that roam the streets of Los Angeles -- vampires, dragons, agents who actually work for a living. Among these illusions, the chupacabra is probably the ugliest (though the agents give them a run for their money!) An urban legend dating from the early ninties, the chupacabra made its first appearance in Puerto Rico, where a number of animals turned up dead and empty of blood, with holes in their necks. In fact, "Chupcabra" stands for "goat sucker."

The notion quickly spread through Central and South America (where it was bolstered by the centuries old tale of the "Mosquito Man" who drained animals of their blood through his proboscus-nose.) and up into the US, where he has made visits in areas as disperate as Los Angeles and the Carolinas, and has been "often" been spotted in "Michigan."

Chupacabras have been known to look as strange as an ugly animal with skin problems, to spiney aliens (complete with large black eyes) and even lizard or Golem-like creatures. Unfortunately, they remain creatures of legend; most of their sightings can be attributed to mass hysteria, and often the animals who have been their victims have been killed by other animals, drained of blood by insects or even done in by human beings. Unless there's been some kind of massive, multi-naional government conspiracy.

So keep your eyes open, your cameras ready and your goats close to home!


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