Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Big Art

Do you ever get sad that there isn't enough huge art around? Sure, you can visit a museum or a gallery and see some tiny daub, or even a larger painting, somethiong that can suck you into it. But there's somethign about the scale of huge art, so big it can't just suck you in, it surrounds you. kuaptic is fortunate enough to know about some cool things for you. Cause cool stuff is so important.

Maxmillian's Schell
-- Materials and Applications, a little place in Silver Lake, has created this apartment-sized piece from colored milar. Bursting the notions of architecture, sculture and a "made-to-order" object. It creates shade, chaging colors, textures and perspectives throughout the day. It's name comes from the Disney film, "The Black Hole," where Maximillian Schell's character "Dr. Reinhold" has the mission of harnassing "the power of the vortex" to discover "the great truth of the unknown." The structure cane be seen for free but is also host to a number of lectures and classes. Open through January 8th.
1619 Silver Lake Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA

Not a Cornfield -- A project designed to reclaim a vacant, post-industrial area into a fecund agricultural center within sight of the center of downtown for one growing cycle, bringing "focus for reflection and action in a city unclear about the location of its energetic and historic center. The cornfield is about land as art and is used for lectures, tours, and other cultural gatherings. The corn is now in its "Gold Phase" and is nine feet tall. It will be open through the first weekend in December.
1201 North Spring Street, Los Angeles, CA


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