Friday, August 26, 2005

Abandon Ship

Once in a while you go to a bar that makes a difference...the Brig in Venice is not one of those places. Once it was a dive bar, full of toothless, leathery types who played pool. Then it went into its second incarnation where it threw out the bums and lit some candles. It was dark and nice, had a decent juke box -- a good alternative to the total scene at Circle Bar.

Then, it closed its doors and when it reopened, it was a brushed metal, unisex bathroom, one pool table kind of joint. We heard someone recently refer to it as being westside home of the bridge and tunnel crowd (read: people from the valley).

But we like the valley. There are cool people there. And, like us westsiders visiting Silverlake, they should be allowed into the westside without castigation.

The Brig does smack of poser-ism, and not in a Spider Club, Roosevelt Hotel rich, dumb, sluts (you know who you are Lindsay, Paris) kind of way, but in a bunch of people who wish they could get into the Spider Club or the Roosevelt an, in lew of actually doing so, they are going to pretend that the Brig is actually one of those places and misbehave accordingly.

The Brig, 1515 Abbott-Kinney Boulevard, Venice, CA


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