Monday, August 29, 2005


We'll be honest. We've caught some flack for living in Los Angeles. There's the fakeness, for one. What some people refer to as a "lack of seasons" (we prefer the term "subtle" -- we notice the changes). Not to mention paparazzi -- not a problem for most of us. Also, fires, floods, earthquakes and, occasionally, riots.

But every place has its risks. Blizzards, worse floods (Mississippi flood plain, we're looking at you!), twisters and hurricanes. Seems to us that most of LA's natural disasters don't really have a season like hurricanes do. (Some people argue that there is such a thing as "earthquake weather." merely foolishness. Just the human brain doing what it's evolved to do -- find patterns. It's just coincidence.)

Listening to the bombardment of coverage on hurricane Katrina, while we worry about the extent of the damage, and hope that harm is minimal, we can't help to be somewhat relieved that we don't have hurricanes here.


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